What to expect after a Reiki treatment?

What to expect after a Reiki treatment?

Interested in learning about Reiki? Please contact to Steve Noack at https://trinityhealingreiki.com/

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The Lost Land of Lemuria

The Lost Land of Lemuria

During the nineteenth century, Lemuria was imagined as a land that once bridged India and Africa but disappeared into the ocean millennia ago, much like Atlantis. A sustained meditation on a lost place from a lost time, this elegantly written book is the first to explore Lemuria's incarnations across cultures, from Victorian-era science to Euro-American occultism to colonial and postcolonial India. The Lost Land of Lemuria widens into a provocative exploration of the poetics and politics of loss to consider how this sentiment manifests itself in a fascination with vanished homelands, hidden civilizations, and forgotten peoples. Read the full article in: https://www.perlego.com/book/550579/the-lost-land-of-lemuria-pdf

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